
Dreams and the Hobby Shop

We are very passionate about gardening and growing plants. Started as a dream we had years ago, we decided to take the jump and start a business. Although we knew the focus would be our greenhouse, we also knew that we didn't want to limit ourselves to just growing plants. Following our instinct, we started to think of different ways to make our online greenhouse represent more of who we are. We decided not only would we sell plants online, but we would also started a online Hobby Shop. Our greenhouse is not only a place where we grow plants, but also a place of inspiration for some of our artwork. In the months when the greenhouse is not filled with bright green plants, we use it as a studio and place to unwind.

It was important that we stayed true to who were are, and we quickly learned that following your gut instincts and what makes you happy really does work best.

We hope you come and visit the Hobby Shop to see some of our latest creations and enjoy it as much as we do. You can visit our Hobby Shop

 For those of you considering making a change, whatever it may be, follow your gut and do what makes you happy. We hope that wherever it takes you, it brings you happiness and joy.